40 days of prayer


Celebrate 100 baptisms

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your call to us to be baptized as an outward expression of our faith in Jesus.

Pray: We pray, Lord, that through the Beyond Campaign, 100 more believers would choose to obey your call to be baptized.

November 20

Planting of 3 churches

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that you have used Faith to plant a church in Timnath and are now working through Caleb and Brittany Haynes as they take steps to plant Pioneer Grove Church in Loveland.

We pray that through the Beyond Campaign, Faith would plant 3 additional churches.

November 19


Praise: We thank you, Jesus, for what you are doing in this church during this season.

Lord, we pray for the generations who will come after us, that you will bring them to know, love and follow Jesus as you have us.

November 18

Building beyond ourselves to leave a legacy for Jesus for the next 100 years

Praise: We thank you for the legacy of this church of persistent prayer, bold faith and open-handed generosity from our founding.

We pray, Lord, that you would do something far beyond anything we can imagine for your glory that leaves a legacy for Jesus for the next 100 years.

November 16

Sending of 10 missionaries

Praise: We praise you, Lord, and pray for the 17 individual missionaries and families supported by Faith who are sacrificially using their talents to share the gospel of Jesus.

We pray that through the Beyond Campaign, Faith would send 10 additional missionaries to bring people to know, love and follow Jesus.

November 15

Your Spirit in our giving

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your generous gifts to us personally, and for the gifts you have consistently given to Faith Church.

We pray, Lord, that by your Spirit you would fill us with hearts full of gratitude, living open-handed with these gifts that you have given us to steward.

November 14

Thriving impact on the next generation

Praise: We thank you, Lord, for those of us who learned about Jesus and gave our lives to Him while growing up at Faith through parents, teachers, pastors and other adults.

We pray for the thriving impact of Jesus on the next generation both to children of believing parents and to kids whose families never speak of him.

November 13

Day of fasting and prayer

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for the model of fasting and prayer you have given us in your Word.

We pray, Lord, that as we practice the spiritual discipline of praying while we fast, you will speak clearly to us this day and that we will listen to your direction.

November 12


Praise: We praise you, Lord, for raising a community of believers eager to actively participate in bringing many to know, love and follow Jesus.

We pray that through the Beyond Campaign, Faith Church would embrace the opportunity to present to the next generation a church without debt.

November 11

Sacrificial giving

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for having always provided all that Faith has needed and that you have led us to give sacrificially as we trust in you.

We earnestly pray, Lord, that you would place in our hearts an amount for each of us as individuals and as families to give to the Beyond Campaign that is above and beyond our usual tithe, and that you would give us the courage to make that commitment.

November 8

Prayer for wisdom for leadership

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for the wisdom you have provided to those who have led Faith Church across 100 years.

We pray, Lord, that you will continue to grant great wisdom and discernment to those you have called to lead this church into the future.

November 7

Joy as a family as we do family business in eliminating our debt

Praise: We praise you, Father God, for the sacrifice of your son, Jesus, who restores us to a right relationship with you.

We pray, Lord, that as a family of believers, we would experience the great joy that comes when we partner with you in sacrificial giving in this specific time to eliminate our mortgage debt and free up resources to continue the kingdom work you’ve called us to.

November 6

Listening prayers for our own lives and commitment

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for calling us to pray and to listen for your answers.

We pray, Lord, that individually we would seek your direction and listen well for how you want us to commit time and resources to the Beyond Campaign.

November 5

Persistent in prayer

Praise: We praise you, Holy Spirit, that you bring our prayers to the Father in ways that we do not understand and for your faithful answers over the last 100 years

We pray for your perfect provision for Faith and that we would be persistent in coming to you with praise, confession, thanksgiving and requests.

November 4

Wholly dependent on God

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that when Faith Church was founded in 1930 as the Full Gospel People’s Tabernacle with the mission to “promulgate the Gospel of Jesus Christ” that the church was wholly dependent on you and that you have been faithful for nearly 100 years.

We pray that we would be wholly dependent and trusting in you as we go forward with your mission to lead people to know, love and follow Jesus. Without you, we labor in vain.

November 2

Pastor Olson prayer

Praise: Thank you, Father, for the spirit of mission that has always characterized Faith Church both locally and internationally. Thank you for how your people have given, prayed and gone so that all people may experience your love.

We ask for this spirit of mission to continue to flourish at Faith Church in the years to come, until all have heard the life-saving gospel of Jesus.

November 1

Rejoice in hope

Praise: We praise you, Jesus, for the sure hope we have in your return.

We pray, Lord, that we will be a community of believers expectantly ready for your return.

October 31

Making disciples

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that you have commanded us to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and to teach them to observe all that you have commanded.

We pray that as individuals and as a church we would lead people to know, love and follow Jesus.

October 30

Growing in our understanding of the gospel

Praise: We praise you, Jesus, that it’s all about you. You alone have saved us from our sinful lives by your death and have demonstrated your victory by your resurrection.

We pray that we would be trusting in you alone for eternal life and that we would eagerly share this with our family, friends and those we meet.

October 29

Deep in our understanding of Christian theology

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that you have clearly revealed in the Scriptures that you are the triune God who created us, loves us and saves us through Jesus’ death on the cross.

We pray, Lord, that Faith would be a congregation that is deep in our understanding of theology and deep in our gospel love for our city.

October 28

Surrender to the Scriptures

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that all Scripture is breathed out by you and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and training in righteousness.

We pray that every person at Faith would surrender to your teachings so that we may be a people of God who are competent and equipped for every good work.

October 26

Pastor Grimm prayer

Praise: We praise God that his Word has been central in the preaching at Faith throughout our history.

We pray for Pastor Charlie, that God would continue to use him mightily as he shares God's Word from week to week and as he leads our church forward.

October 25

Laborers for the harvest

Praise: We praise you, Jesus, for your heart of compassion as you came teaching and healing.

We pray, Lord, for laborers for the harvest and that you would direct each of us to choose to be laborers ourselves.

October 24

Rooted in community

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for the forever family of Faith Church and the relationships we share, particularly through small groups and the ministries where we serve.

We pray, Lord, that you would lead us to develop new ministries to heal loneliness, anxiety and depression.

October 23

Prayer for thriving, healing and growing ministries

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that in the last year Care Ministry touched many lives and that there were over 400 people in small groups.

We pray for our Care Ministry and for small groups to thrive and flourish.

October 22

We are a safe place for people to receive healing in Jesus

Praise: We praise you, Jesus, that you have come to heal what is broken and to place the lonely into community.

We pray for the resources for Faith to address growing loneliness, anxiety and division in our culture.

October 21

God’s faithfulness to bring fruitfulness

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your faithfulness to Faith church; for the many ways we’ve seen you work in answering our prayers for people to come to know, love and follow Jesus.

We pray, Lord, that by your Holy Spirit, you would continue to draw many into a new relationship with Jesus.

October 18

Support for Josiah Venture

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that since 1992 Josiah Venture has been a movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society.

Jesus, we pray that your Spirit will expand this ministry by providing the leaders and resources to reach additional thousands and we pray for Faith’s role in JV.

October 17

A people who live for the expansion of Jesus’ kingdom

Praise: We thank you, Lord, that you are active in this community and the entire world to call people to you as a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for your own possession.

We pray, Lord Jesus, that you would work in our hearts and minds to transform us into people who live and work and share our faith for the expansion of your kingdom.

October 16

Our Gospel love for our city

Praise: We thank you, Lord, that you have given us a heart for our neighbors and city expressed through ministries such as Serve 6.8 and Christ Clinic.

We pray, Lord, that in the coming years of the Beyond Campaign we might reach our city for Christ through these and other ministries that you will create

Prayer for our Community and the Larger World

Praise: We thank you, Lord, that in our lifetimes, the Gospel has gone to previously unreachable groups in formerly Communist Eastern Europe and now to refugees fleeing North Africa and the Middle East.

We pray for the nations that you would use our facility, people and resources to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus.

October 15

October 14

A Welcoming and Diverse Family of Faith

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that as a diverse group of people we experience the power of your saving grace.

We pray that you would work through this campaign to establish a Beyond Us Fund to launch ministries outside our walls.

October 12

Doug Streed Guest Prayer

Praise: We praise God for his continued faithfulness over all these years. Thank you, God, for always being there for us and our families.

We pray Jabez's prayer "Oh that You would bless us indeed, and enlarge our territory, that Your hand would be with us, and that You would keep us from evil, that we may not cause pain."

October 11

Faith of Abraham

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that Abraham experienced your faithfulness to the point he would plant a tamarisk tree, trusting your promises for generations to come.

We pray, Lord, that you would give us the faith of Abraham and that you would direct us to commit to works that will have fruits long after our own lives.

October 10


Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your grace in granting Faith Church unity of purpose across 100 years.

We pray, Lord, that you will surround us with your hedge of protection that we may continue to serve you with unity of purpose as we seek to know, love and follow Jesus.

October 9

Our Individual Participation

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your faithfulness in each of our lives here at Faith as we follow Jesus.

We pray, Lord, that you would show each of us how you would have us participate in the Beyond Campaign as we actively seek your leading.

October 8

Beyond Ourselves

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that in this last year you have led us beyond ourselves as 33 people went on short-term mission trips where the Gospel was shared 510 times and there were 47 professions of faith.

Prayer: Lord, we pray that we at Faith would become a people who consistently build beyond ourselves day-by-day and year-by-year.

October 7

For Generations To Come

Praise: We Praise you, Lord, that we can rest confidently in you, knowing you will be at work in our community until Jesus returns.

We pray that you would give us yielded hearts, ready for you to equip Faith Church for the next 100 years in drawing friends and family to know, love and follow Jesus.
