40 days of prayer

October 15

Prayer for our Community and the Larger World

Praise: We thank you, Lord, that in our lifetimes, the Gospel has gone to previously unreachable groups in formerly Communist Eastern Europe and now to refugees fleeing North Africa and the Middle East.

Pray: We pray for the nations that you would use our facility, people and resources to impact the world with the Gospel of Jesus.

October 14

A Welcoming and Diverse Family of Faith

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that as a diverse group of people we experience the power of your saving grace.

We pray that you would work through this campaign to establish a Beyond Us Fund to launch ministries outside our walls.

October 12

Doug Streed Guest Prayer

Praise: We praise God for his continued faithfulness over all these years. Thank you, God, for always being there for us and our families.

We pray Jabez's prayer "Oh that You would bless us indeed, and enlarge our territory, that Your hand would be with us, and that You would keep us from evil, that we may not cause pain."

October 11

Faith of Abraham

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that Abraham experienced your faithfulness to the point he would plant a tamarisk tree, trusting your promises for generations to come.

We pray, Lord, that you would give us the faith of Abraham and that you would direct us to commit to works that will have fruits long after our own lives.

October 10


Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your grace in granting Faith Church unity of purpose across 100 years.

We pray, Lord, that you will surround us with your hedge of protection that we may continue to serve you with unity of purpose as we seek to know, love and follow Jesus.

October 9

Our Individual Participation

Praise: We praise you, Lord, for your faithfulness in each of our lives here at Faith as we follow Jesus.

We pray, Lord, that you would show each of us how you would have us participate in the Beyond Campaign as we actively seek your leading.

October 8

Beyond Ourselves

Praise: We praise you, Lord, that in this last year you have led us beyond ourselves as 33 people went on short-term mission trips where the Gospel was shared 510 times and there were 47 professions of faith.

Prayer: Lord, we pray that we at Faith would become a people who consistently build beyond ourselves day-by-day and year-by-year.

October 7

For Generations To Come

Praise: We Praise you, Lord, that we can rest confidently in you, knowing you will be at work in our community until Jesus returns.

We pray that you would give us yielded hearts, ready for you to equip Faith Church for the next 100 years in drawing friends and family to know, love and follow Jesus.
