How to give

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Jesus makes it clear that it’s not the size of our gift, but the shape of our heart that matters in our giving (Mark 12:42-44).

That means there is room for all of us to joyfully participate in the vision of Beyond! We believe God will provide perfectly for our church to fulfill our Beyond Vision through the generosity of his people. This has always been the case, and this will always be the case till Jesus returns. 

Step one:

Come up with an amount of money over and above your tithe that you would be joyful to give. Spend some time in prayer asking God if this is the amount that he would have you give, and if so, how he would provide this amount.

Step TWO:

Decide how you will give. Online giving, cash or check are all options. You can set up recurring giving online, bring your giving with you to church or mail it in.

There are also many creative giving strategies that offer special tax benefits such as gifting stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

For questions about how you can give creatively, email

Step Three:

Fulfill your commitment.

Set up a recurring payment or a one-time payment to fulfill the full amount that God has called you to give. Follow the link below and select "BEYOND" from the dropdown menu to set up your gift.

Give Now